Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Foobar2000 Fastforward Hotkey

Adding a keyboard shortcut to Foobar2000 is realitvey easy for most operations.  Adding a keyboard shortcut to fast forward is also pretty staitforward but you'll need to know that it is found under Playback, Seek, Ahead by [your factor].

I chose to set the shortcut to also be a Global hotkey since focus on a foobar element shouldn't prevent my seeking ahead.  For clarity, the key combo I opted: Alt along with my numeric keypad's plus key.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jon Skeet - C# Time

I've seen Jon Skeet mention Noda Time on Google+ and his very detailed errata findings for Fluent C#.  So of course the question I asked myself about DateTime wasn't hard to track down.  Here's what you need to know: http://noda-time.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-wrong-with-datetime-anyway.html